Video Post Format
[creativ_media type=”vimeo” url=”″]
[creativ_media type=”vimeo” url=”″]
[creativ_media type=”youtube” url=””]
Example of a Audio Post Type in WordPress – this will automatically place an audio player based on the browser so that it will play in modern and older browsers and mobile platforms – to setup you simply put a link to any audio file format.
Nulla dui purus, eleifend vel, consequat non, dictum porta, nulla. Duis ante mi, laoreet ut, commodo eleifend, cursus nec, lorem. Aenean eu est. Etiam imperdiet turpis. Praesent nec augue.
Example of a post with a featured image set, it also contains a standard WordPress gallery inserted that automatically is a lightbox enabled gallery in the post, and is using a right sidebar formatted page.